Episode 28 • I’ll Be Quirky


The barbarian hordes return fire with a fusillade of emails, and Jeff and Gabe recount their recent travel photography adventures.

  • The prodigious 🎶 mailbag! Including:

  • do you hand-check your film at airport security?

  • lens hoods — do you use 'em?

  • folding camera recommendations

  • listeners' favorite instagram feeds

  • the teeming masses demand pinhole coverage!

  • a new source for The Thingy (a.k.a. the 675 hearing aid battery to PX625 adapter) — Polar Bear Camera. They also sell on Etsy!

  • Gabe’s trip to Albuquerque, including a visit with the Bill Nye of analog photography, Cameradactyl’s Ethan Moses

  • the state of vintage camera shopping in Albuquerque

  • Jeff’s trip to Philadelphia, where it was so cold the SX-70 battery shut down — plus his favorite travel camera, the mighty Olympus XA4

  • Gabe’s photo shoot with the Contarex Bullseye

  • Jeff’s continuing adventures with the Voigtländer Perkeo

  • Bergger Pancro 400 does not get along with CineStill Df96 monobath!

  • what criteria do you use in selecting which camera(s) to bring to a photowalk?

  • in closing: 28 episodes in, what have we learned?


Episode 29 • It’s Canon Now


Episode 27 • Zeynep Bastik We Love You