Episode 19 • Icons and Nikons


An XL episode boasting two blockbuster features: Gabe’s recap of his adventures covering New York Fashion Week, followed by our survey of the esteemed camera marque known as Nikon.

  • Gabe recounts shooting NYFW and the Met Gala

  • Jeff’s new acquisitions: a Canon P rangefinder… and (on the way) the Canon RF 50mm f1.4, the Japanese Summilux

  • And now: our Nikon show!

  • when did you become aware of Nikon, and what was your first?

  • Nikon rangefinders: the SP and its siblings

  • the Nikon/Canon wars of the '70s/‘80s

  • evolution of the F: F2, F3…

  • why no more rangefinders? (till the S3 2000 and SP 2005 commemorative editions)

  • spurred by the OM-1, Nikon goes compact: the FM and FE series

  • the Nikkormat / Nikomat

  • the FM3a — their best ever? 1/4000 with no battery!

  • the coveted FM2/T Year of the Dog edition

  • consider the Nikonos — they’re so cheap!

  • countless point & shoot Nikons, APS cameras

  • the 35Ti, which is not good!

  • favorite lenses (e.g. the 105mm f2.5)

  • one Nikon to rule them all: which would you choose?


Episode 20 • Catch Up, Soup and Purée


Episode 18 • Fast and Furious 18