Episode 13 • The Purge (feat. Danielle Wrobleski)


You’ve heard of Marie Kondo — meet Marie Nikondo! In this wildly entertaining episode, Jeff forces Gabe to remorselessly cull his camera collection by posing the following questions:

  1. What purpose does the camera fulfill?

  2. Do I have a set home for this camera?

  3. Am I showing enough gratitude toward the camera?

  4. Does the camera spark joy?

After Guy With Too Many Cameras, we speak to the Girl With Too Many Cameras, Danielle Wrobleski, a Milwaukee-based photographer who spotlights female shooters with the hashtag #WomenWithFilmWednesday.

Danielle Wrobleski on Instagram: @girlwithtoomanycameras


Episode 14 • How We Shoot


Episode 12 • The Hosts Gave Us Cameras